So Tempted

by Christopher Paul on May 27, 2006

I’m really loving my wife’s Mac right about now. The only thing keeping me from getting a new Mac Mini is the $1300 it would cost to have it configured the way I want. Its kinda hard to justify spending even the base $600 dollars for a toy.

Wait a sec… What the fuck am I saying!!!???!!!

Of course it’s easy to justify getting a new toy – especially if its a new computer of any kind (as long as its not a Dell).

I wonder if my wife will notice the new OS coming from my monitor. I mean, I can hide the small mini but I can’t hide from what’s on the screen and the new keyboard/mouse. Yeah… I don’t think she’d find out.

J June 3, 2006 at 9:14 AM

Ummmm… she’d find out. Trust me.

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