There are many ways to extend and manage comments in WordPress. For extending it, there are new options like Facebook’s Facebook Connect and Google’s FriendConnect. You can add Gravatar support and use cross-site central moderation services like Disqus and Intense Debate. And while I’m sure I could figure out how to use more than one system, I’m not sure I’d want to get too involved with managing the comments placed in the blog. Not that there is much activity going on here but one can hope that using a more universal login/comment management system will encourage more people to add their thoughts to mine (when I come up with content for them to read).
To help figure out what comment system I should use, I created a simple Poll from PollDaddy. Let me know what you think of the choices. I’d appreciate knowing why a person would choose one over the other to see if there are pros and cons I’m not seeing in my own research.