Christmas Lights

by Christopher Paul on January 3, 2009

So It’s Come To This: posted a photo:

Christmas Lights

We still have out tree up. We’ll take it down in a week after we celebrate the "Russian Christmas" that my wife’s family has celebrated for a while.

In their household, Russian Christmas – for her Ukrainian ancestry – is a simple celebration where some 15 people come over and exchange simple one or two dollar gifts; batteries, tape, pencils, paper, etc. are all possibilities. Last year, I have out popcorn bags – not a whole box… just one bag. I’m excited to see what I can come up with for this year.

Anyway… I liked some of the bokeh shots other people took of their trees and tried to do something similar. Since I don’t have any effects or special Photoshop techniques to apply, you’re seeing exactly what I took.

I like it, though.

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