Friday Find: The Milk Carton Kids

by Christopher Paul on July 18, 2014

Friday night on Twitter is when the journalists, geeks, authors, business people, and other experts in their chosen field deviate into something more artistic. Some post or retweet countless pictures of cat pictures. Others, post videos like this one of the folk band The Milk Carton Kids.

The people I follow have described them as a modern Simon and Garfunkel — which I see and hear. They are quirky in an innocently anti-social way. In between sets, they make attempts at dry humor which makes your lip curl in some wryly smile. Wearing a dressier Mumford and Sons clothing that has an old Trad quality to it.


Their YouTube channel has the video above which is of a performance done in earlier this year. You can download two albums from their website for free and a more recent one from iTunes.

I’ve already downloaded their two free ones and I’ve added the remaining releases to my wishlist for when I get a gift card. If you like Simon & Garfunkel you may like The Milk Carton Kids as I am thus far.

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