
by Christopher Paul on July 19, 2005

I promised my friend, Paul, that I would show up to the party he and his girlfriend hosted on Saturday. He let me know of these plans weeks ago and my fiance and I confirmed our appearance a week before the party when Jen and I invited the two of them to a Yankees game we snagged tickets to. But the two of us forgot all about it and made plans to see my parents back home and I feel really bad about missing the party.

From what I could tell, Paul was really excited about this party – the first since he moved in with Lynda a few about two months ago. And Jen and I were equally excited. Not only had Jen lived in that area for seven years before moving in with me, she really likes Lynda (as do I) and is very excited when a friend of mine finds a really good person for them. We even offered to bring games that would be good to play drunk and a few that are really cool to play in large groups – Cranium being our favorite.

But Jen and I have been very busy and distracted lately with both our jobs demanding more time than ever. Because we haven’t done much in the way of planning for our wedding, we’ve had to pick up the slack and do almost all of it at once. Plus, we hadn’t seen my parents in months – something very hard to do when you don’t have a car and very inconvenient mass transit the only way to get there. And even though we planned to be back Saturday night for the party, I made plans to see another friend of mine someone who I haven’t seen or talked to in over eight months (that’s another post I have to do) and wanted to see the new home he bought.

But even though I was busy and distracted, I still forgot about a promise that I had made to a friend and remembered how I felt yesterday when someone did that to me. I have to call or email Paul and tell him how sorry I feel for missing his party. I’m sure he’ll understand that we had things to do and forgot about things but still, I promised and I didn’t carry it out. I’ll invite him and Lynda over to dinner and home that we can go over to their place sometime soon.

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