For the geeks out there, I’ve added something that’s not exactly new to the world but new to me and this blog: an online status indicator.
For those who aren’t geeks (who don’t know what an online status indicator is) – and normal – an online status indicator is a bit of HTML code which references a server that keeps track of whether one is signed on to the major IM applications. The major ones are covered like AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, Jabber, Skype, etc and with Trillian, I can publish my status with each of them. So I installed a plugin that tells the world if I am online and added the code to my Blogger template so when you visit my humble site, you know if you can IM me.
Of course, if you are at your computer reading my blog chances are you are online yourself and, it might seem pointless to add this indicator to the template. But I want to jazz up the page and this is one small way for me to do so. If you have a blog out there and want to add this indicator, go to and setup your own indicator. Then copy the code they generate for you (hey, I didn’t say I created the code), into the sidebar section of your blog.
I’ve tried to include the code as part of my profile so it shows up top just below the ‘View My Complete Profile’ link but it never worked right; it always was above the profile text or below the separator line between it and the ‘Links’ title. So as a compromise for now, its at the bottom of the sidebar as the first banner after the ‘Archives’ section.
If anyone knows how to add HTML code to a Blogger profile, please let me know.