
by Christopher Paul on January 4, 2006

Since I’m not good at writing web pages, I use Google’s Blogger service to maintain and post this blog. I have it hosted so I don’t have to have that top navbar thing Google places on the blogs it hosts for free. Blogger suits my needs perfectly and, although not the most feature rich compared to other blogging software, has never left me feeling like I am missing something important.

One thing that Google has done a great job at is integrating their AdSense system into nearly everything they do; its no wonder why their stock price is so high. If you look closely, Google’s AdSense is in virtually all their products: Google Search, Gmail, Froogle, Maps, etc. and Blogger is no different. But in Blogger’s case, Google will place ads in a person’s blog they (the AdSense system) feels is relevant. I suppose it uses the text from the posts as a guide. It does this only if the blogger opts into the system by creating an AdSense account and enabling it for the blog.

So far, Google’s ads have only been text based. But I’m sure, at some point, they will begin using picture ads and maybe even flash based advertisements to increase their revenue and protect themselves from, um, their competitors. Do they even have competitors at this point? But for right now, the ads are light weight and don’t suck up bandwidth or valuable real estate on my screen so I can’t say that I mind seeing them.

So it got me thinking about my blog and wondering what ads Google would place on it and how much revenue I could get for it. Should I go for it and see what happens? Its not like I have lots of followers or anything but it would be a neat experiment to see what my ramblings produce ad-wise; probably ads for psychotherapy or something like that.

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