Firefox 2.0

by Christopher Paul on October 25, 2006

Ok, Ok, I did it. Just like everyone else, I upgraded my Ubuntu’s web browser from FF 1.5.7 (or whatever the latest release was) to 2.0. And like everyone else in the world, I agree that it was a minimal upgrade on the surface but, for me anyway, it was a total revamp. I’m glad I did it even though Ubuntu 6.10 is going to have it built in.

First… IT’S FREAK’N FAST!!!!

WAY faster than 1.5 was at loading pages. I didn’t do anything different with the install. I just followed the instructions posted on UbuntuOS. The last two commands didn’t work for me so I think some of my settings were lost but I didn’t care. All I needed to do, really, was resintall my plugins and reset my home page. I’m sure that other things are missing but I never had any favorites saved – they are all on

And another thing I love… SPELLCHECK!!!! Now I can blog without having to use a 3rd party app (which never worked perfectly anyway) and I don’t need to cut my text into my word processor and run the check there. I am SO convinced it was worth it and I’m sorry I waited until now to upgrade! I’ll probably blog a lot more often now with that hurdle out of the way.

I still have to get used to the new graphics. And there are some plugins that I can’t install (yet) but that doesn’t bother me. I’m going to reinstall my Ubuntu machine to a fresh install when the new release comes out tomorrow but I expect great things from my computer now that I got FF 2.0.

Oh… and FF 2.0 works better on my 64-bit Ubuntu box than my wife’s brand new iMac w/ an Core 2 Duo CPU and 2GB of RAM!

Take that!

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