New York City Getting Better Parking Signs

by Christopher Paul on January 10, 2013

New York City is getting better parking signs. The new signs are shorter, simpler, and easier to read. The differences between these and the previous ones are striking. Alex Goldmark:

The new look makes a few updates that seem obvious in hindsight like placing the day of the regulation before the hours of the regulation and eliminating abbreviations. The hierarchy of information is changed as well. The message of the threatening red “No Standing” sign is now blended with other parking regulations in these commercial parking zones. The big red sign is gone, it’s message captured with one line, “others no standing” added to other signs.

I can’t wait to see these in action and wish other cities would do this sort of thing. I’m also hoping other signs around the city will be redesigned – except the Subway signs… they should never change.

via Jorge Rivas

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